To win and fire the Indian smartphones market, Lenovo is planning to launch its another latest smartphone for Indian buyers. Lenovo has announced its latest and upcoming Lenovo A628T smartphone in China. It is rumored that the smartphone has many features that can attract you in first look. It has a attractive bright red color on its body and features slim body design. This smartphone will surely attract the young generation peoples who looking for the mid-range mobile in their hand.
The device features 5 inches display sceen and supports resolution of 854 x 480 pixels. It has 512 MB installed RAM and runs on the Android Jelly Bean version. There is 5 MP main camera and 2 MP front facing facing camea installed in the device.
2) supports a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels
3) powered by a quad-core MediaTek MT6582M processor
4) RAM of 512 MB
5) 5-megapixel rear camera with LED flash
6) 2 MP secondary camera for video calls
7) 4GB internal storage
8) ability to expand memory upto 32GB
9) features dual SIM card slots
10) runs on the Android v4.2 Jelly Bean OS
11) loaded with 2,000 mAH battery
12) full HD display touchscreen display
13) attractive and slim body
14) Color - bright red light color
15) affordable price
The device features 5 inches display sceen and supports resolution of 854 x 480 pixels. It has 512 MB installed RAM and runs on the Android Jelly Bean version. There is 5 MP main camera and 2 MP front facing facing camea installed in the device.
Lenovo A628T Features and Specifications
1) sports a 5-inch display2) supports a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels
3) powered by a quad-core MediaTek MT6582M processor
4) RAM of 512 MB
5) 5-megapixel rear camera with LED flash
6) 2 MP secondary camera for video calls
7) 4GB internal storage
8) ability to expand memory upto 32GB
9) features dual SIM card slots
10) runs on the Android v4.2 Jelly Bean OS
11) loaded with 2,000 mAH battery
12) full HD display touchscreen display
13) attractive and slim body
14) Color - bright red light color
15) affordable price
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