Sony has recently launched its latest mirrorless camera in the market named Sony A5000. Now, the manufactuerers are thinking to launch the latest A6000 camera in the market in the coming days. The specs of the camera revealed in the past but they were not confirmed. But today we have received some fresh specifiations of the device from some trusted sources. This latest model Sony A6000 camera have many new and high-tech features in it.
It comes with the 24.3 MP Exmor-R sensor and loaded with Bionz X processor. This camera will offer the sharpness, noise and diffraction reduction. The device features contrast and quickly phase detection. It also supports the accurately focus on the object.
This new model has low-light sensitivity and built-in EVF as similar to NEX-6. The price of this camera is not yet officially announced. Soon, this latest Sony A6000 camera will be available in the markets. Keep stay connected with the site for future more leaked specs and price in India.
It comes with the 24.3 MP Exmor-R sensor and loaded with Bionz X processor. This camera will offer the sharpness, noise and diffraction reduction. The device features contrast and quickly phase detection. It also supports the accurately focus on the object.
This new model has low-light sensitivity and built-in EVF as similar to NEX-6. The price of this camera is not yet officially announced. Soon, this latest Sony A6000 camera will be available in the markets. Keep stay connected with the site for future more leaked specs and price in India.
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