12 February 2014

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Top 5 Free Tools to Check Baclinks Online

We all know that backlinks are very important for SEO and good ranking in the search engines. If simply say then, Backlink is the key for the success of blog in SEO world. Whenever we talk about SEO then it mainly consists of the backlinks. Most of the times Google bans the website that contain the spammy backlinks. So, here we will only recommend you to get high quality backlinks to make your good performance in the eyes of Google.  There are lots of ways to get the quality backlinks on the internet. But, here we are discussing about how to check the quality backlinks online. Many tools are there to check the backlinks of site. Finally, after doing a lot of search and visits on different sites, I have make a list of the top 5 free backlink Checker tool which are totally genuine and shows 100% accurate data.

1) Ahrefs.com 

You can check the backlinks to your site by visiting the Ahrefs.com. It is one of the best tools which give the accurate and correct data about the backlink. It is absolutely free to try and costs nothing to check the backlink online. You can also register to the site for detailed information of the backlink of any site. It is very simple and easy to use this tool. It is a favorite tool for many bloggers because it also shows in-depth information of the backlinks.

2) Monitorbacklinks.com

It is yet another tool to check the backlinks online of your site. It is also one of the most recommended tools which accurately shows the quality backlinks data to users.

3) Opensiteexplorer.org

This tool is created by the SEOMoz. It offers both paid services and free services. You can use this tool accordingly as you wish.

4) Smallseotools.com

5) www.backlinkwatch.com

If you are thinking to check the backlink results of your site then must use any of the above best tools for accurate and correct data.


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